Egyéb kategória

Welcome to this page

Thank you for visiting my web page.

My name is Pál Gyurkó, I am a native speaking Hungarian, and I have been in the English-Hungarian translation and interpretation business for decades.

I have a strong technical background. I am experienced in translating technical, business management, company audits and financial subjects.

As a translator and interpreter, I am ready to support you at business meetings, factory visits, training sessions, plant status reviews, company audits etc.

I am also ready to transport persons or equipment, if required, using my Mitsubishi L200 car.

All that at moderate fees, subject to agreement.

I am a free-lancer, self-employed at my small company. Therefore, I can quickly and flexibly respond to your requests.

A few clients who have used my services in the past:

  • PowerGen Csepel Power Station, Hungary
  • Atel Spreetal Kraftwerk GmbH, Germany
  • Classic Distributors Inc., Canada
  • Unipart, U.K.

I am looking forward to working for you.

Please write to, or call +36 209 275 275.

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